本文研究中,研究者Julien Bouvier等人通过研究揭示了复杂的脑干神经回路控制小鼠移动的分子机制,研究人员利用包括光遗传学在内的多种先进性技术,利用光选择性地激活了特殊类型的神经元,同时利用基因沉默技术选择性地阻断了神经元活性。让研究者出乎意料的是,他们发现一类兴奋性神经元对于小鼠停止移动的能力非常必要,当这些停止细胞被激活时,小鼠就会立刻阻断移动行为,相反当这些神经元被沉默时,小鼠就会在尽力停止移动上出现困难。
研究者Ole Kiehn说道,我们发现停止细胞可以减少参与产生运动节律的神经元网络的形成,而并不是减少直接进行肌肉收缩的运动神经元的形成;利用这种方式,停止细胞中的活性就可以促进动物机体在不失去肌肉张力的同时依然停止自身的步伐;尽管当前研究揭示了正常的大脑功能,但该研究对于阐明患病大脑中机体移动如何受到影响或许提供了一定的线索。
Descending Command Neurons in the Brainstem that Halt Locomotion
Julien Bouvier, Vittorio Caggian, Roberto Leiras, Vanessa Caldeira, Carmelo Bellardita, Kira Balueva, Andrea Fuchs, Ole KiehnSummary The episodic nature of locomotion is thought to be controlled by descending inputs from the brainstem. Most studies have largely attributed this control to initiating excitatory signals, but little is known about putative commands that may specifically determine locomotor offset. To link identifiable brainstem populations to a potential locomotor stop signal, we used developmental genetics and considered a discrete neuronal population in the reticular formation: the V2a neurons. We find that those neurons constitute a major excitatory pathway to locomotor areas of the ventral spinal cord. Selective activation of V2a neurons of the rostral medulla stops ongoing locomotor activity, owing to an inhibition of premotor locomotor networks in the spinal cord. Moreover, inactivation of such neurons decreases spontaneous stopping in vivo. Therefore, the V2a “stop neurons” represent a glutamatergic descending pathway that favors immobility and may thus help control the episodic nature of locomotion.